Charging the Battery

The main power source of X-Fly is a single cell Li-Po battery. The average flight time for the stock battery is 6-7 minutes.

Important :-

  • After flying the drone, let the battery rest for 5 minutes to cool down.
  • After fully charging the battery, let it rest for 2 minutes to cool down.
  • When not in use, disconnect the battery from the drone. Switching off is not enough. Failing to disconnect the battery will drain the entire battery and make it unusable 

Charging the battery :-

  • Turn off the power switch.
  • Connect the battery.
  • Connect the Micro USB cable to the USB port of the drone.
  • Plug the USB cable into a 5v adapter or the USB port of the PC.
  • A red LED will flash at the bottom of the drone indicating that the battery is charging. (refer to the below image.)
  • When the battery is fully charged, the red LED will turn off. It takes about 45 minutes to fully charge the battery.

Battery Maintenance Guide :-

  1. Protect LiPo batteries from punctures, cuts, or damage from sharp objects that could breach the battery’s protective layers.
  2. Disconnect the LiPo battery from XFly and store it separately when not in use. Do not leave it connected for extended periods.
  3. Use the inbuilt Lipo Charger of XFly or any other LiPo compatible charger to charge the battery.
  4. Let LiPo batteries cool down for a few minutes after a flight before charging them. This can help prevent thermal stress on the cells.
  5. Store LiPo batteries in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. 
  6. Continually inspect the battery for any wear or damage and replace it if necessary.
  7. If not using the battery for more than a week, put it into the storage voltage. This process will be explained in a later section.

QubeBots Pvt Ltd is a startup that focuses on developing Edutech products to support the global STEM Education system.

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+94 77 069 5151

Colombo, Sri Lanka

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